
We carefully design STEM-themed workshops to fit the unique needs of each audience. Our engaging and highly-collaborative events are both entertaining and informative. Our workshops can serve various purposes:

  • Demonstrate awe-inspiring STEM-related ideas and artifacts
  • Inspire curiosity for the complexity of mathematics and the sciences
  • Introduce or transfer important skills
  • Deliver a step-by-step tutorial of your favorite software
  • Facilitate a productive, collaborative group discussion

All workshops are designed and facilitated by Dr. Kristen Beck.

Want to pitch an idea?

Let us know what you have in mind.

Customized Development

First, we help you hone your idea. Then we plan several audience-specific activities and develop necessary resources.

Inspiring Facilitation

The workshop is facilitated by Dr. Kristen Beck, known for inspiring students to find beauty in math and science.